Skyscraper - Empires Rise
4 min readFeb 7, 2021


Automated SFT Cryptofolio & Project Roadmap.

We have looked at the benefits and potential our SFT’s have in wider use cases and decided that its only right they should be coined as something new.

Enter the world of CRYPTOFOLIOS, a token that acts as a portfolio of crypto assets and an automated financial portfolio that earns whilst sat in your cold cold wallet.

It holds YEARN contract integrations, upgradeable functionalities, SFT portfolios onwards to actual tokenized real-world assets.

We are creating unique use cases that turbocharge STFS from profit-making yield machines to long term investment portfolios.

Your CRYPTOFOLIO will start with Yearn strategies and allow the class-leading yield strategy to build profit for you without staking (see more in our previous article on how we achieve this) In fact because our contracts aren’t loaded into the backend of the D’app we are actually DEFI yield agnostic giving you the user the most value and freedom of any NFT project in the DEFI space.

Where are we adding value now?

With the NFT market heating up exponentially we are keen to show you that there is more to the world of NFT’s than changing names and staking value. Our goal is to create the most expensive and valuable SFT both short term and long term. With that in mind we feel an infographic says a thousand words:

This is the WOLVES of WALL STREET. Overall the WOWS token holds value through its purchase price, the initial investment, individual profit-seeking, protocol- and project rewards, purchased upgrades, rarity, demand and as a currency within our ecosystem for tokenized assets, creating NFT indexes or functionalities like offering yield protocol integration to artists.

As long as you hold it generates income. And the moment the time comes to selling, you can sell your SFT with its accrued rewards, value and internal investments in one package. The SFT and its rarity allow you the ability to have a second layer of value making sure that you can sell it at least with the price of the initial investment or plus the earned profit.

This is the roadmap as it is planned today. All the mentioned benefits above will be developed throughout this and next year, to guarantee perpetual innovation.

Additionally, we will continuously scan the market, listen to our community and aim for partnerships to leverage the benefits of WOWS in conjunction with class-leading SFT functionality.

Tokenomics and positive-sum loop

The tokenomics have been designed to favour the investor and ensure longevity by ensuring a positive loop back into the rewards. It creates an internal economic system which helps the buyers and sellers to trade value within the ecosystem.

The revenue from every purchase is distributed in a way that the WOLVES of WALL STREET project is sustained over the long term and holders benefit through a positive refeed of rewards broken down into the following percentages.

  • 30% Reward Pools
  • 40% Booster Pools
  • 30% Development

The WOWS token total supply is 60,000

The 60,000 WOWS tokens are minted from the beginning, so there is full control of the reward emissions which is set for three years and ensures the lowest inflation possible. At this point, the only inflation that remains is the Team Tokens which are locked for 15 months, vested via a Gnosis wallet contract and distributed daily. The Marketing & Development funds are used to assure a successful start and ongoing marketing efforts and development of the Wolves of Wall Street project.

Distribution of the WOWS token is allocated as follows:

By spreading the rewards over three years, we try to ensure the APY to maintain constant and the circulating supply low to increase the value of the WOWS Token. Rewards will always be distributed as the return of investment and not really part of the circulating supply for the SFT Holders and Stakers but the circulating supply is maxed from day one so there is almost no inflation. The reward pools are constantly filled with earned WOWS via the 70% of accumulated fees earned within the ecosystem as mentioned above.


Enough talk about DeFi. We know you are actually very curious about what the SFT art that will adorn your cryptofolio will look like. In the infographic above you can already see a sneak preview for our basic level. And here is a sneak preview of our Bronze SFTs and what to expect at Level 1, yes its awesome:

We are at the beginning of an exciting journey, bringing DeFi, NFT/SFT and gamification into a high profit, secure, sustainable and fun use-case.

Join the WOLVES OF WALL STREET and be part of the pack!

— we are looking forward to accompanying this journey with you!










Skyscraper - Empires Rise

Skyscraper - Empires Rise is a Web3 Strategic MMORPG, where your character will buy, win, build and compete for territory, power and governance.